Original tutorial by Loiva

Thank you Loiva for the permission to translate your tutorial.
Translated by Marie Nickol.

You will find the original tutorial here:


This tutorial is a personal creation by Loiva.

Any resemblance with another one would only be pure coincidence.

Thank you for the respect of Loiva’s work and the tubers work.

These translations are mine and are intended for personal use only and it is forbidden to copy part or all of it.

You can use this tutorial for PSP lessons but please put the link back to it.

Do not hesitate to let Loiva or me know if you have any problem with the present tutorial.


Materials used:

Disclaimer: Modifying or renaming files or removing watermarks from the tubes of the original tubers provided in the materials and sharing them as your own or using them for sale online or otherwise is prohibited.

1 character tube
1 deco tube by Kamil
1 misted image


Plugins used:

Mehdi - Sorting Tiles
Toadies - What Are You
MuRa's Meister - Copies and Perspective Tiling
Flaming Pear - Flood


You can find my plugins page - Here




This translation is written with PSP 2020, if you work with other versions some things might be different but the result will be the same.


Note: In the latest versions of PSP the command
Image-Mirror has become Image - Mirror - Mirror Horizontal
and Image-Flip has become Image - Mirror - Mirror Vertical

I use the old versions of Image-Mirror and Image-Flip



Duplicate all the tubes and work with the copies to preserve the originals.

If you don't have the plugins install them into your Plugins folder for PSP



Choose a light color and a dark color from your tubes

Loiva chose the following colors:


Materials Properties: Set your Foreground color to color 1 #ffffff

Materials Properties - Set your Background color to color 2 #322924


The Tutorial

Step 1

File - New - Open a new Transparent image 900 x 600 pixels

Flood fill tool / Fill in the Layer with white - Color 1 #ffffff


Step 2

Selections - Select All

Open the misted tube - 953bb7361

Edit - Copy

Edit - Paste Into Selection

Selections - Select None


Step 3

Effects - Image Effects - Seamless Tiling (default settings)


Step 4

Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur (Radius 30)


Step 5

Effects - Plugins - Mehdi - Sorting Tiles


Step 6

Layers - Duplicate


Step 7

Activate the bottom layer - Raster 1

Effects - Plugins - Toadies - What Are You?


Step 8

Activate the top layer - Copy of Raster 1

Activate the Pick Tool (K)

Push the top knot to 280 and the bottom knot to 300

Press M on your keyboard to release the Pick Tool


Step 9

Effects - Distortion Effects - Wave


Step 10

Activate the Pick Tool (K)

Stretch the right end of the strip to the right end side of your working image

Press M on your keyboard to release the Pick Tool


Step 11

Effects - Plugins - MuRa's Meister - Copies


Step 12

Edit - Copy Special - Copy Merged

Edit - Paste As New Layer (on top of layer - Copy of Raster 1)


Step 13

Effects - Plugins - Flaming Pear - Flood


Step 14

Activate the Selection Tool (S) - Custom Selection

Press Delete on your keyboard


Step 15

Selections - Select None

Step 16

Effects - Plugins - MuRa's Meister - Perspective Tiling


Step 17

Activate the Magic Wand Tool - Tolerance 0 and Feather 80

Click on the empty space above


Step 18

Press the Delete key on your keyboard - 4 times

(Don't forget to put Feather back to 0)


Step 19

Effects - Reflection Effects - Rotating Mirror


Step 20

Activate the bottom layer - Raster 1

Open the misted tube again- 953bb7361

Edit - Copy

Edit - Paste As New Layer on your working image

Position the tube at your own discretion


Your layers:


Step 21

Activate the top layer - Raster 2


Open the character tube - 200b8a8ce48e5c2c20085f41dd37a90f-removebg-preview

Edit - Copy

Edit - Paste - Paste As New Layer on your working image

Image - Resize 90% Resize all layers not checked

Position the tube a little bit to the left as shown on the final result above or at your own discretion


Open the deco tube - KamilTube-768

Remove the watermark

Edit - Copy

Edit - Paste - Paste As New Layer on your working image

Image - Resize 85% Resize all layers not checked

Position the tube to the right as shown on the final result above or at your own discretion


(Note: You may use your own character tube and deco tube to your own liking)


Step 22

Edit - Copy Special - Copy Merged


Step 23

Image - Add Borders - 1 px - Symmetric checked - color 2  #322924

Image - Add Borders - 2 px - Symmetric checked - color 3 #f4e7e1

Image - Add Borders - 1 px - Symmetric checked - color 2  #322924


Step 24

Selections - Select All

Image - Add Borders - 20 px - Symmetric checked - color 1  #ffffff

Selections - Invert

Edit - Paste Into Selection (the image copied at Step 22)


Step 25

Effects - Art Media Effects - Brush Strokes

Selections - Select None


Step 26

Image - Add Borders - 1 px - Symmetric checked - color 2  #322924

Image - Add Borders - 2 px - Symmetric checked - color 3 #f4e7e1

Image - Add Borders - 1 px - Symmetric checked - color 2  #322924


Step 27

Selections - Select All

Image - Add Borders - 20 px - Symmetric checked - color 1  #ffffff

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow (0/0/100/30) color 4 #000000 - Shadow on new layer not checked

Selections - Select None


Step 28

Layers - New Raster Layer

Add your name or watermark

Layers - Merge - Merge All (Flatten)

Optional: Image - Resize - 900 pixels width (the height will adapt)

File - Export - Save as JPG file



My version with my own tubes made and AI generated




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